Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Exercises on Bioinformatics

  1. What are the major branches of bioinformatics?

  2. Comment on the various databases and analysis tools of DNA.

  3. Bioinformatics comprises of ------ + -----------.

  4. Which journal publishes a yearly issue on bioinformatics databases?

  5. What are the various approaches to annotation?

  6. Why should you perform annotation of sequence?

  7. Prepare a list of softwares and tools for genome annotation. With the help of a flowchart, list the steps of annotation using Genemark.hmm and GeneScan.

  8. Comment on the various databases and analysis tools of RNA

  9. Can sequence information be employed to understand evolution? Mame some tools for such an analysis?

  10. What tools would you choose to perform gene expression analysis? What are the features associated with any two such tools?

  11. RNA structure can be predicted using ------------.

  12. Comment on the various databases and analysis tools for proteins.

  13. Write a concise account of protein similarity search tool.

  14. How are protein structures determined?

  15. What are the approaches for protein structure prediction?

  16. PHYRE2 is employed for ------- based -------------.

  17. Rosetta is an ------------- tool.

  18. Why should you perform comparative genomic analysis?

  19. What is the utility of PASC and TaxPlot?

  20. What is a dotplot? What tools are available to you to perform dotplot?

  21. Define Interactome. What are the different resources for interactome analysis?

  22. Retrieve any metabolic pathway using KEGG database.

  23. What are the various application areas of bioinformatics?

  24. Define the following:

    1. Algorithm

    2. Domain

    3. Motif

  25. Expand the following:

    1. BLAST

    2. EST

    3. NCBI

    4. GEO

    5. NMR

    6. KEGG                     

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and well written post! Quite interesting and nice topic chosen for the post Nice Post keep it up.Excellent post. I want to thank you for this informative post. I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work.
    bioinformatics databases
